This message is to remind you to “Be on time, all the time!” Why? Because “We are Aztecs”

Students~ At our tardy sweep last week, 59 students were late to 4th period. Please make sure you are leaving for your next class immediately after your previous class. Let’s be on time.

Students, as Aztecs, we expect you to get to class on time and be ready to learn by the time the tardy bell rings. Parents, we ask that you team up with us and discuss with your children the expectation of being on time. As a Montgomery community let us work together to communicate the importance of being on time. “We are Aztecs!”

Students arriving after 8:45 will receive a lunch detention.  Any students arriving after 8:45 am with a Starbucks, 7 11, drink ect. will be required to leave it in the office.  Drinks can be picked up at the end of the day.