Welcome to Montgomery High School !
School News
WAAG 2/10/25
Please take a moment to read our weekly WAAG to see all that is happening at Montgomery High School. Click on the link below to read our WAAG. If you need to translate the newsletter, click on the button on the right hand side that says “translate”. You will be able to translate our WAAG into many different languages secure.smore.com/n/t8dys-waag
Tómese un momento para leer nuestro WAAG semanal para ver todo lo que está sucediendo en Montgomery High School. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para leer nuestro WAAG. Si necesita traducir el boletín, haga clic en el botón en el lado derecho que dice “traducir”. Podrá traducir nuestro WAAG a muchos idiomas diferentes secure.smore.com/n/t8dys-waag
THURSDAY 2/13 – 3:35 Release Time
No School
FRIDAY 2/14 AND Monday 2/17
Monday, February 10 – ELPAC RWL, Spring Sports Being – Boys Volleyball, Boys Tennis, Swing & Dive, and Track & Field, 6:30pm Spring Sports Parent Meeting in the new gym
Tuesday, February 11 – ELPAC RWL, 3:30pm Novice and Girls Soccer vs Sweetwater at home with varsity to follow, 4pm Boys Soccer at Sweetwater High with varisty to follow, 5pm JV Girls Basketball VS Victory at home with Varsity Sernior Night to follow, 5pm JV Boys Basketball VS Victory Christian at Victory Christian Academy with varsity to follow
Wednesday, February 12 – College Gear Day, ELPAC RWL
Thursday, February 13 – ELPAC RWL, 10am Student with Disabilities Valentine’s Dance, 3:30 Novice and JV Girls Soccer vs Hilltop at home with varsity Senior Night to follow, 5pm JV Boys Soccer at San Ysidro with varsity to follow, 5pm JV Girls Basketball at Mater Dei with Varsity to follow, 3:30pm Novice Boys Basketball vs Mater Dei at home with JV and Varsity Senior Night to follow
Friday, February 14 – NO SCHOOL
Saturday, February 15 – CIF Boys Wrestling, Spring Sports Start – Baseball, Beach Volleyball, Boys Golf, and Softball
Monday , February 17 – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 18 – ELPAC RWL
Wednesday, February 19 – College Gear Day, ELPAC RWL
Thursday, February 20 – ELPAC RWL, 8:45am ELAC Meeting
Friday, February 21 – Early Release, ELPAC RWL, Boys Wrestling CIF Masters Day1, 7:45am & 2:40pm Financial Aid Workshop, 1:30pm Senior Panoramic Picture in the stadium
Saturday – February 22 – Boys Wrestling CIF Masters Day 2, Girls Wrestling Masters, 8am Saturday School, 8am Robotics in the new gym
College Support Every Week
Tuesday – WAHUPA Talent Search
Wednesday – SDSU Talent Search
Thursday – WAHUPA and SDSU Talent Search
Friday – WAHUPA Talent Search
Prom – 5/3
Cap & Gown Distribution – 5/16
Senior Awards Night – 5/20
Senior Finals – 5/27-5/28
Gradnite – 5/29
Graduation – 6/4 at 3:30
Graduation Date and Time
Aztecs will graduate on June 4th at 3:30 at Al Prazak Stadium at Montgomery High School. Each student will be allowed six guest. Please plan accordingly. More info to follow.
Cap and Gown
Seniors will be able to purchase cap and gown from sdgrad.com . They will be on campus during lunch on February 19. The deadline to order cap and gowns will be March 1. The cost is $37. You can order online or at lunch when they visit our campus.
Grad Bash at Universal Studios
Tickets for Universal Studios Grad Bash will start on December 2, 2024 in the ASB. Tickets will be $215 and can only be paid by cash. You can pick up a permission slip in the ASB or click this link. Tickets sales will end February 28, 2025.
Non-Privilege List
ASB will begin selling tickets for senior activities like Grad Bash and Prom. Make sure you stay off the non-privilege list. If you need extra support, please see Ms. Ruiz. Be reminded that the non-privilege list rolls over into the second semester. Take time to clear your tardies and absences.
Scholarship Bulletin
Click this link to read the Scholarship Bulletin. There is a section just for seniors so you can earn money for college.
Before the yearbook sells out, please make sure to purchase one in the ASB for $75.Resources
1) Aztec Expectations from August 2, 2024
2) Senior Contract – received August 2 and due September 20
3) Review Mrs. Ruiz’s presentation from May 2024
We encourage you to subscribe to our channel so that you may be reminded to connect to the morning announcements. Broadcast will occur daily after the pledge.
If you miss the live broadcast or would like to play it back, they are being recorded and will be available on our channel once the live feed is over. We will make videos available for that week only to make sure they are relevant and easy to locate in case you need to go back and watch one.
27th Annual Adelante Latino Conference

Wishwell, a Counseling and Empowerment Center for students, is hosting a Family Circles workshop in our library on February 25, 2025, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
This interactive workshop, “Building Bridges With Your Teen” is designed for parents and students to attend together, with the whole family is also welcome. You’ll gain tools to strengthen trust, improve communication, and build a supportive, loving home environment.
Space is limited, so register soon—we hope to see you there!
Wishwell, un Centro de Consejería y Empoderamiento para estudiantes, está organizando un taller interactivo de Círculos Familiares en nuestra biblioteca Febrero 25, 2025 de 5:30 a 7:00 p.m. Este taller requieren la asistencia de los padres y los estudiantes.
- “Construyendo Puentes” y “Fortaleciendo la Comunicación” el Martes 25 de Febrero es un taller interactivo donde tanto el padre como el estudiante deben asistir, pero toda la familia es bienvenida. Este taller te ayudará a fortalecer la confianza, la conexión con tu estudiante, mejorar las habilidades de comunicación y fomentar una comprensión más profunda dentro de tu familia.
Estos talleres ofrece herramientas y experiencias prácticas para ayudar a crear un ambiente hogareño de apoyo y amor. El cupo es limitado, así que asegúrate de inscribirte pronto. ¡Esperamos verte allí!

Sign Up Form Link: https://forms.gle/bKHHwhF8Pr9NBuf1A
Contact us
3250 Palm Avenue
San Diego, CA 92154
Phone: (619) 628-3800
Fax: (619) 424-6473