Parent Involvement

Parent Involvement

Hello Montgomery High Students, Parents, and Guardians, Welcome back to school, we look forward to a successful semester for all students, staff, and community members. We would like to share some information with you as we begin 2019: MOH Parent and Family Engagement Policy: this year staff, parents and students worked to create a new policy to increase involvement by all stakeholder in Montgomery High School. This policy was approved by the School Site Council on October 24, 2018. We will be including this policy in both English and Spanish with registration information in the future. The School Site Council will be revising the policy yearly, as needed. MOH Student-Parent-School Compact: this document is an outline of the interactive partnership between Students, Parents, Teachers, and the School to aid each student in achieving academic success at Montgomery High School. This document does not need to be signed this year, but will be included in the registration process in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Daniel Crook, Coordinator of Integrated Services at Corina Schultz or the Montgomery High School Parent Center at 619-628-3840 Thank you for your time and happy new year,     PARENT VOLUNTEERS: MOH Staff thanks Parent Volunteers for all they do for our students and school. We appreciate their hard work and dedication! To become a parent volunteer at Montgomery High School, please contact or call (619) 628-3893.  

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