Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education

This program provides students with hands-on experience in various occupations.  It assists in applying the core skills, like mathematics for example, into everyday work.

CTE Staff Members

Amaro, Joseph

Comp Integrated Manufacturing

Guitar Making

Into to Engineering


Creamer, Dylan

Sports Medicine

Gray, Sophia

Digital Art


Intro to Media




Urbanski, Sofia

Computer Art

CTE Department

This program provides students with hands-on experience in various occupations. Students at Montgomery can choose a variety of career pathways including Sports Medicine, Engineering, Robotics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Computer Art, Digital Art, and Television, Film, and Digital Media.

In Sports Medicine 1 and 2, students gain a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology, and are provided training for emergency situations. Advanced students are able to evaluate and treat an injury.

Introduction to Engineering Design is designed for students to investigate the various aspects of the many career paths in engineering, with a special emphasis in design and understanding of physical science principles.

Computer integrated manufacturing is an advanced course building off of the introduction to engineering course, with a special emphasis in advanced manufacturing principles and processes.

Robotics is an introductory course designed for students to explore the various aspects of robotics and computer controlled machines.

Computer Art is an introductory course designed to teach students various software applications, basic design principles, in order for them to create a student portfolio. Computer Art provides the training necessary to enroll in the Digital Art Pathway.

Digital Art is an advanced course designed to help students create a digital portfolio that highlights their work. Students in this course will use programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create design work.

Graphic Design provides students with an advanced course in design. Students will gain work experience within this course by working with businesses around the community to create promotional design work. Students demonstrate their knowledge throughout the year by creating a digital portfolio.

Television, Film, and Digital Media is a capstone course which focuses on television broadcast. Students in this course work to deliver the news to the school by implementing a variety of editing styles and techniques. Students also learn the ins and outs of pre-production, production, and post-production.